The captivating tale of Frontier Jewellers unfolds through generations, tracing a path illuminated by elegance and grace. Originating with Late Mr Sohan Lal Kapoor’s migration from Pakistan, a small shop in Dehradun’s Paltan Bazar marked the inception of a luminous journey in year 1947. Steered by his son, Late Mr Moti Lal Kapoor, the business gained momentum, laying the foundation for a legacy of brilliance.
The third generation, led by Mr. Harish Kapoor and his wife, Savita Kapoor, breathed life into the family’s vision, propelling Frontier Jewellers to zeniths of success from year 2000 onwards. Their offerings became synonymous with refined opulence, adorning patrons with jewelry that radiated regal charm and singular artistry.
In 2018, a new chapter unfurled as Mr Anshuman Kapoor, the torchbearer of the legacy, unveiled a grander emporium at Astley Hall, with the name of FRONTIER JEWELLERS EXCLUSIVE signifying the family’s unwavering dedication to innovation and magnificence. As custodians of tradition and vanguards of modernity, Frontier Jewellers Exclusive captures the essence of timeless allure in each piece, blending the past and present harmoniously.
The future gleams brightly for this storied lineage, with visionary aspirations guiding their path. Frontier Jewellers Exclusive, a name that resonates with the connoisseurs of sophistication, continues to illuminate lives with its resplendent creations, encapsulating the spirit of enduring magnificence that has defined the family for generations.
“Frontier Jewellers Exclusive By Harish Kapoor” at Astley Hall, Rajpur Road is a 75 years old legacy of manufacturing beautiful traditional, contemporary, regional and modern jewellery that has evolved with time and marked new beginnings. This exclusive showroom is all dedicated to make you experience the royal and rare. The jewellery collection at FJE is a sheer delight of unparalleled craftsmanship and unmatched variety. Its purity certifications on each and every jewellery beholds the trust of every customer. Transparent policies, no hidden charges, genuine gold and diamond rates makes it one of the most delightful destination for buying the exclusive pieces of their jewellery for all occasions.
“Frontier Jewellers Exclusive By Harish Kapoor” at Astley Hall, Rajpur Road Dehradun is a 75 years old legacy of manufacturing beautiful traditional, contemporary, regional and modern jewellery that has evolved with time and marked new beginnings. This exclusive showroom is all dedicated to make you experience the royal and rare. The jewellery collection at FJE is a sheer delight of unparalleled craftsmanship and unmatched variety. Its purity certifications on each and every jewellery beholds the trust of every customer. Transparent policies, no hidden charges, genuine gold and diamond rates makes it one of the most delightful destination for buying the exclusive pieces of their jewellery for all occasions.
© 2024. Frontier Jewellers. All Rights Reserved by SAVITA KAPOOR